gs -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=setting -sOutputFile=output.pdf input.pdf
Source: How to Reduce PDF File Size in Linux |
gs -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=setting -sOutputFile=output.pdf input.pdf
Source: How to Reduce PDF File Size in Linux |
when i added ,vers=1.0 to the mount options, i changed the mount options from nounix to unix. you can check this with mount -l (unix is not an option which can be set implicit).$ sudo mount -t cifs // ~/fooshare -o username=foouser,password=foopass,uid=baruser,gid=baruser,vers=1.0to provide extra info:$ sudo bash -c “echo 3 > /proc/fs/cifs/cifsFYI”make sure you unmount the specified mount properly before setting the option. To view the status (number of current cifs mounts by):$ cat /proc/fs/cifs/DebugDatashareimprove this answer
Source: samba – How to mount cifs with unix extensions – Ask Ubuntu
Dort gibt es zwei Optionen beim Ausgangsprofil. Die einen nennt sich Hi-F-Wiedergabe (A2DP-Senken) und die andere Headst Head Unit (HSP/HFP). Eingestellt war Headst Head Unit (HSP/HFP) und genau da lag das Problem. Nachdem ich das Ausgangsprofil auf Hi-F-Wiedergabe (A2DP-Senken) umgestellt hatte, funktioniert mein Kopfhörer in der gewohnt guten Qualität.
Source: Bluetooth-Kopfhörer EP650 bei Linux Mint / Ubuntu schlechte Qualität
Das Problem hatte ich gleichermaßen mit meinen Bose QuietComfort 35 II und unter Kubuntu 16.04.
Hier (also KDE) findet man die Einstellung unter
Einrichtung des SSH-Zugangs auf der Server-Seite. In diesem Beispiel verwendest Du die authorized_keys-Methode zur Authentifizierung der Benutzer.
Source: Git – Einrichten des Servers
3.1. Using a helper “basejail”One technique to prepare a boostrapped jail for quickest deployment involves setting up a “basejail”, which is a complete, configured jail which you clone every time you need to spawn a new jail. While managing many jails is best done with some kind of configuration automation which, in a way, obsoletes having bootstrapped jails like this, in some cases this can be useful. In short, it boils down to:
freebsd-update Reverse Proxy CacheEither because you’re a good netizen and don’t want to repeatedly hammer the FreeBSD mirrors to upgrade all your systems, or you want to benefit from the speed of having a local “mirror” (cache, more precisely), running a freebsd update reverse proxy cache with, say, nginx is dead simple.
Source: VladimirKrstulja/Guides/FreeBSDUpdateReverseProxy – FreeBSD Wiki
FTR and in case anybody arrives here via search, here’s a working squid configuration that effectively caches packages forever (2 years) and meta information slightly less aggressively (four weeks):
Continue reading “FreeBSD package caching with squid web proxy”
In this post I document how to use some cloud storage (“davfs2”) with enhanced privacy (“encfs”) and share this within my LAN (read: samba).
With plenty of online storage (ca. 1TB, 1&1 SmartDrive) and up-to-date internet connectivity at home (1&1 VDSL 100, with 40MBit uplink) it is reasonable to just use this. Continue reading “cifs-to-cloud bridge with enhanced privacy using samba, davfs2 and encfs”
Sometime you may want to be able to “switch off” some web-application for particular reasons e.g. spamflooding or abuse of a REST service but you may want to enable information retrieval.
Most web applications like wordpress, mediawiki or other web 2.0 applications follow RFC 7231 where GET is defined as the primary method for information retrieval (RFC 7231, 4.3.1). Somewhere is defined that GET SCHOULD NOT be used for changing information (deleting, writing).
Just put something like this in your apache config (in VirtualHost):
# deny everything but GET <Location /> <LimitExcept GET> Deny from all </LimitExcept> </Location>
You have a FreeBSD VPS with a single IP and you wish to create a FreeBSD jail for additional security and/or isolation. For this write up I’ll illustrate how you can use a single VPS with a jail create on an internal IP with both NAT access and port-forwarding to the jail for specific ports (web, ssh, etc).